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Hier gehts lang
The Tau of GFO

The tau is a symbol of the Franciscan movement. St Francis of Assisi used it frequently.


"Wirbelwind" kindergarten in Frenkhausen soon to be part of the GFO network


Live, laugh, grow - the GFO is further expanding its range of daycare centres in the region. The parents' association of the "Wirbelwind" nursery school in Frenkhausen is planning to dissolve and hand over ownership to the Gesellschaft der Franziskanerinnen zu Olpe (GFO). The youth welfare committee of the district of Olpe accepted the corresponding application without discussion.
With the takeover of the "Wirbelwind" kindergarten, this will be the tenth kindergarten in the GFO network in the district of Olpe. The Parents' Association's decision to transfer the sponsorship to the GFO was made against the backdrop of increasing bureaucratic tasks that are very difficult for a single institution to manage.
The GFO sees the takeover as an opportunity to continue its quality-orientated pedagogical work in early childhood education. The "Wirbelwind" kindergarten will thus be integrated into the established structure of the GFO network, which currently has a total of 17 kindergartens. The takeover is planned for 1 August.

